Your Ultimate Guide to Buying the Perfect Bunk Bed for Your Child


Bunk beds have made a resurgence in recent years as a popular choice for people who are looking to save space in their bedrooms or want to provide their kids with extra room to play. These beds are great for families with limited space, as they allow kids to share a room without sacrificing comfort and style. Moreover, they come in different sizes and designs to suit different needs and preferences. In this buying guide, we will take a look at the features you should consider when choosing the perfect bunk bed.

Table of Contents

What is a Bunk Bed?

A bunk bed is a type of furniture that consists of two or more beds stacked on top of each other, allowing multiple people to sleep in the same space. It is a popular choice for bedrooms with limited floor space or for families with multiple kids sharing a room. Bunk beds are typically designed with a ladder or staircase to access the upper bunk and often come with safety rails to prevent falls. They are available in various styles, such as standard bunk beds, L-shaped bunk beds, and triple bunk beds, as well as different materials like wood and metal. Bunk beds can also offer additional storage options such as built-in drawers or a trundle bed underneath the lower bunk. It is important to consider factors such as the bedroom's ceiling height, weight limits, and safety standards when choosing a bunk bed.

What are the Benefits of a Bunk Bed?

Space-Saving Solution

With constricted bedroom space, bunk beds present an exceptional solution for maximising floor area. Instead of two separate beds consuming space, a bunk bed utilises vertical space, leaving more room for other essential furniture like desks or play areas. Some models even come equipped with built-in storage options such as drawers or shelves, offering a handy place to store toys, books, or clothes.

Additional storage

Bunk beds are a sought-after choice for families aiming to optimise space in their homes, providing both a fun and comfortable sleeping arrangement for children. The advantages of bunk beds extend beyond merely saving floor space; they also provide additional storage options and contribute to the development of children's social skills and sleep routines.

Fostering Social Skills and Sleep Habits

Beyond their space-saving benefits, bunk beds can also cultivate positive social skills and sleep habits among children. Sharing a bedroom, and specifically a bunk bed, can encourage siblings to bond and develop a sense of camaraderie. Moreover, bunk beds promote healthier sleep patterns as children learn to maintain consistent bedtimes and routines with their bunkmates.

    Types of Bunk Beds

    When it comes to choosing a bunk bed, there are various types available that cater to different needs and preferences. One popular option is the standard bunk bed, which consists of two stacked beds, one above the other. This classic design is great for siblings or roommates who want to save space while still having their own sleeping area. Another option is the L-shaped bunk bed, which features a perpendicular configuration. This design provides additional floor space and can be a great choice for larger bedrooms. For those who need even more sleeping space, triple bunk beds are available, with three stacked beds. These are ideal for families with multiple children or for hosting sleepovers. It's important to consider the ceiling height and safety rails when choosing a bunk bed, as well as the type of mattress and additional features such as storage options. With the wide variety of bunk bed designs available, there's sure to be one that fits your needs perfectly.


    TEOM Bunk Bed with roll-out drawer and TEOM Stair

    Bunk beds have made a resurgence in recent years as a popular choice for people who are looking to save space in their bedrooms or want to provide their kids with extra room to play. These beds are great for families with limited space, as they allow kids to share a room without sacrificing comfort and style. Moreover, they come in different sizes and designs to suit different needs and preferences. In this buying guide, we will take a look at the features you should consider when choosing the perfect bunk bed.

    What is a Bunk Bed?

    A bunk bed is a type of furniture that consists of two or more beds stacked on top of each other, allowing multiple people to sleep in the same space. It is a popular choice for bedrooms with limited floor space or for families with multiple kids sharing a room. Bunk beds are typically designed with a ladder or staircase to access the upper bunk and often come with safety rails to prevent falls. They are available in various styles, such as standard bunk beds, L-shaped bunk beds, and triple bunk beds, as well as different materials like wood and metal. Bunk beds can also offer additional storage options such as built-in drawers or a trundle bed underneath the lower bunk. It is important to consider factors such as the bedroom's ceiling height, weight limits, and safety standards when choosing a bunk bed.

    What are the Benefits of a Bunk Bed?

    Space-Saving Solution

    With constricted bedroom space, bunk beds present an exceptional solution for maximising floor area. Instead of two separate beds consuming space, a bunk bed utilises vertical space, leaving more room for other essential furniture like desks or play areas. Some models even come equipped with built-in storage options such as drawers or shelves, offering a handy place to store toys, books, or clothes.

    Additional storage

    Bunk beds are a sought-after choice for families aiming to optimise space in their homes, providing both a fun and comfortable sleeping arrangement for children. The advantages of bunk beds extend beyond merely saving floor space; they also provide additional storage options and contribute to the development of children's social skills and sleep routines.

    Fostering Social Skills and Sleep Habits

    Beyond their space-saving benefits, bunk beds can also cultivate positive social skills and sleep habits among children. Sharing a bedroom, and specifically a bunk bed, can encourage siblings to bond and develop a sense of camaraderie. Moreover, bunk beds promote healthier sleep patterns as children learn to maintain consistent bedtimes and routines with their bunkmates.

      Types of Bunk Beds

      When it comes to choosing a bunk bed, there are various types available that cater to different needs and preferences. One popular option is the standard bunk bed, which consists of two stacked beds, one above the other. This classic design is great for siblings or roommates who want to save space while still having their own sleeping area. Another option is the L-shaped bunk bed, which features a perpendicular configuration. This design provides additional floor space and can be a great choice for larger bedrooms. For those who need even more sleeping space, triple bunk beds are available, with three stacked beds. These are ideal for families with multiple children or for hosting sleepovers. It's important to consider the ceiling height and safety rails when choosing a bunk bed, as well as the type of mattress and additional features such as storage options. With the wide variety of bunk bed designs available, there's sure to be one that fits your needs perfectly.


      TEOM Bunk Bed with roll-out drawer and TEOM Stair

      Standard Bunk Bed

      A standard bunk bed is a popular choice for many families, especially those with limited floor space. This classic design consists of two stacked beds, one above the other, making it perfect for siblings or roommates who want to share a room while still enjoying some privacy.

      One major advantage of a standard bunk bed is its ability to separate into two single beds, providing flexibility for different sleeping arrangements or room configurations.

      Whether you need a bunk bed for siblings sharing a room or for hosting sleepovers, a standard bunk bed offers both comfort and convenience. With its versatile design and variety of finishes, you can find the perfect bunk bed to suit your needs and style. The design of a standard bunk bed is sleek and functional, with sturdy support rails and a ladder or stairs to access the upper bunk.

      With its small footprint and efficient use of space, the standard bunk bed is an excellent choice for any home looking to maximise their sleeping area while providing comfort and style.

      It's important to consider the ceiling height and safety rails when choosing a bunk bed, as well as the type of mattress and additional features such as storage options. Standard bunk beds can come in a variety of materials such as wood, metal, and plastic, allowing you to choose a structure that best fits your space and aesthetic preferences. Additionally, they can be equipped with additional accessories like ladders or guardrails for easy access and increased safety.

      Triple Bunk Bed

      Triple bunk beds are a perfect solution for maximising sleeping space in your home. There are two variations of triple bunk beds: the trio bunk and the triple sleeper.

      The trio bunk consists of three standard single bunks stacked on top of one another. This design allows for three children to sleep comfortably in the same room, saving valuable floor space. It is also a great option for guest rooms, as it can accommodate three guests comfortably.

      The triple sleeper features a single bed on top of a standard double bed. This design is ideal for families with two children who share a room but also need space for occasional guests. The double bed provides ample space for siblings or guests to sleep comfortably, while the single bed on top offers extra sleeping space without taking up additional floor space.

      L-Shaped Bunk Bed

      The L-shaped bunk bed is a unique and stylish option for those looking to maximise their bedroom space. This type of bunk bed consists of a freestanding lower bed that faces at a 90-degree angle from the top bunk, creating an attractive L-shaped formation.

      The L-shaped design of this bunk bed is perfect for rooms with more floor space, as it can be placed in a corner to optimise the layout of the room. This allows for better utilisation of the available space without compromising on style or comfort.

      One of the advantages of the L-shaped bunk bed is the extra space around the bottom bed. This additional space can be transformed into a cosy and functional "kick-back" zone, where kids can relax, read, or play games. It creates a separate area from the top bunk, providing a sense of privacy and personal space.

      Another great option for those considering an L-shaped bunk bed is a combination of a loft bed and a normal bed. This configuration offers the best of both worlds, with the loft bed providing a raised sleeping area and the normal bed serving as a comfortable lounging or sleeping spot. This allows for even more versatility and adaptability in designing the perfect bunk bed setup for your specific needs.


      Metal & Wood Bunk Bed Options

      When it comes to bunk beds, there are different options available in both metal and wood. Each material choice offers its own benefits and drawbacks, along with specific design features and considerations.

      Metal bunk beds are known for their sleek and modern appearance. They are often more affordable compared to wood bunk beds, making them a popular choice for those on a budget. Metal bunk beds are also lightweight, making them easier to move and assemble. However, the metal frames may produce squeaking or creaking noises when users change positions during sleep. Additionally, they may not offer the same level of sturdiness or durability as those made from wood.

      Wood bunk beds, on the other hand, have a timeless and classic look. They are often seen as more durable and long-lasting compared to metal bunk beds. Wood bunk beds also offer a variety of design features, such as built-in storage drawers or shelves, which can be beneficial for those looking to maximise storage space in their room.

      Both metal and wood bunk beds offer their own advantages and considerations. Choose the material that best suits your preferences, budget, and desired design features while ensuring safety and durability.

      The wooden Pineflex Bunk Bed can seamlessly switch between a traditional stacked bunk bed to two separate single beds

      Ensuring Child Safety with Your Bunk Bed

      Ensuring the safety of your children is of utmost importance when it comes to choosing and using bunk beds.

      Guard rails

      Guard rails are an essential feature of bunk beds, particularly for the upper bunk. They act as a protective barrier to prevent accidental falls during sleep. Make sure that the bunk bed you choose has guard rails on all sides of the upper bunk, including the headboard and footboard. The guard rails should be firmly attached and at least 12 cm in height to effectively prevent rolling out of the bed. Regularly check the guard rails to ensure they remain secure and free from any loose or damaged parts.

      Child-friendly coating

      When choosing a bunk bed for children, it is important to ensure that the surface coating is safe and free of any toxic substances. Lead and phthalate are two of the most common toxins used in surface coatings, both of which can have serious health consequences if exposed to in high concentrations. To ensure optimal safety, look for beds with a non-toxic and lead-free surface coating. Also, be sure to check the labels on all products for any additional warnings or cautions related to lead or phthalate levels.

      EzSpace products are painted with paint that is safe for children. Even if they lick or bite it, it won't make them sick. This means you can use the products without worrying about your safety or well-being.

      Weight limit

      There is always a weight limit for bunk beds. The exact weight limit can vary depending on the design, materials used, and manufacturer specifications. It's crucial to check the specific weight limit noted by the manufacturer to ensure safety. EzSpace's loft and bunk beds have a weight capacity of up to 200 kg, then they are sturdy enough to safely accommodate adults.

      Always remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning or maintaining your bunk bed as this will help extend its life span and keep it free from any potential hazards.

      Perfect Bunk Bed Setup for Safety and Comfort

      Setting up a bunk bed correctly is crucial for ensuring both safety and comfort for your children. By following the proper assembly instructions and considering key factors, you can create the perfect bunk bed setup.

      The first step is to carefully read and follow the assembly instructions provided by the manufacturer. These instructions will guide you through the process, ensuring that all the pieces are connected securely. It is important to take your time and not rush through the setup to avoid any mistakes.

      Before starting the assembly, check that all the necessary pieces are included and in good condition. Missing pieces can compromise the stability and safety of the bunk bed. If any parts are missing, contact the manufacturer for replacements before proceeding with the setup.

      Proper installation of the ladder and safety rails is essential. The ladder should be securely attached to the bed frame and provide stable access to the upper bunk. Safety rail installation is equally important, as it prevents accidental falls during sleep. Make sure the safety rails are firmly attached and meet the recommended height requirements.

      When selecting a bunk bed design, consider the size of the room, the age of the users, and your budget. Choose a design that fits well in the available space and provides sufficient headroom. Consider the age and size of your children to ensure that the bunk bed is suitable and safe for them. Lastly, take your budget into account when selecting a bunk bed, as there are a variety of options available to fit different price ranges.

      In conclusion, to create the perfect bunk bed setup for safety and comfort, carefully follow the assembly instructions, check for missing pieces, secure the ladder and safety rails, and choose an appropriate bunk bed design based on room size, user age, and budget.

      Different Styles & Designs of the Perfect Bunk Bed For You

      The perfect bunk bed for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. There are different styles and designs available to suit every individual and space. Whether you're looking for a standard bunk bed, an L-shaped bunk bed, or a triple bunk bed, there are options for everyone. Consider factors such as the available floor space, type of bunk bed, and desired features like a guard rail or storage options. Additionally, the bunk bed should be made from high-quality materials and meet safety standards. By carefully selecting the right style and design, you can find the perfect bunk bed that not only maximises bedroom space but also ensures safety and comfort.

      Choosing the Right Design to Fit Your Space Needs

      When it comes to choosing the right bunk bed for your space, there are several designs to consider. The design you choose will depend on your specific space needs and preferences.

      One option to maximise floor space is a corner bunk bed. These beds are designed to fit snugly into a corner, freeing up valuable space in the centre of the room. Another option is horizontal placement, where the beds are placed side by side instead of stacked on top of each other. This design is ideal for rooms with lower ceiling heights or for those who prefer a more open feel.

      Of course, the traditional twin bunk bed design is always a popular choice. With one bed stacked on top of the other, this design maximises vertical space and is great for rooms with more ceiling height to work with.

      Before deciding on a bunk bed design, it's important to measure the dimensions of your room, including height and width. Consider the position of windows, doors, and other furniture to ensure there is enough space for the bunk bed. Additionally, think about any future needs for storage or additional furniture such as a chest of drawers.

      By taking these factors into consideration, you can choose the bunk bed design that best fits your space needs and provides the perfect combination of style and functionality.

      Upper and Lower Mattress Sizes for Optimal Comfort and Safety

      When it comes to selecting the right bunk bed for your space, considering the mattress sizes for the upper and lower bunks is crucial for optimal comfort and safety. Different bunk bed designs may have variations in the dimensions of the upper and lower mattresses, so it's essential to choose the right sizes accordingly.

      For the upper bunk, safety standards recommend using a mattress size that fits securely within the guard rails. This ensures that there is no risk of the mattress sliding off or creating gaps that can pose a danger to the sleeper. Typically, the upper bunk mattress size is smaller than the standard mattress sizes available in the market.

      For the lower bunk, mattresses can generally accommodate standard sizes available for single or double beds. This provides flexibility in terms of choosing the right mattress size based on the users' preferences and needs. However, it's important to ensure that the chosen mattress size fits snugly within the bed frame and doesn't exceed the recommended weight limit.

      Common mattress sizes include the UK single (90 cm x 190 cm), single long (90 cm x 200 cm), small UK double (120 cm x 190 cm), standard UK double (138 cm x 190 cm), and small European double (120 cm x 200 cm). Considering these standard sizes will help you find the most suitable mattresses for both the upper and lower bunks, ensuring optimal comfort and adherence to safety standards.

      The SUPA Latex medium-firm mattress is a superb selection, offering the perfect balance of support and comfort for developing kids. Its natural latex core layer ensures correct spine alignment and a peaceful night's sleep. This makes it an excellent choice for your child's bunk bed.

      Remember, choosing the right mattress sizes for the upper and lower bunks is essential for providing a secure and comfortable sleeping environment for the users of the bunk bed.

      What Types of Add-ons or Accessories Might be Included with a Bunk Bed?

      Bunk beds can come with a variety of accessories or add-ons to enhance their functionality and appeal. Here are some examples:

      • Storage Drawers: These can be built into the lower part of the bunk bed, providing extra storage space for clothes, toys, or other items.
      • Trundle Beds: A trundle bed is an extra bed stored under the lower bunk, which can be pulled out for use when needed.
      • Shelves and Cubbies: These can be added to the sides of the beds for storing books, clocks, or other small items.
      • Staircase Drawers: Instead of a ladder, some bunk beds feature a staircase for easier access, and these stairs can have built-in drawers for additional storage.
      • Desk or Workstation: Some bunk beds come with a built-in desk or workstation underneath the top bunk, making it a great space-saving solution for small rooms.
      • Slide: For a fun touch, some bunk beds come with a slide attached to the top bunk, turning the bed into a mini playground.
      • Guard Rails: While most bunk beds come with guard rails, extra or replacement ones can be added for increased safety.

      Remember, not all accessories might be compatible with all models of bunk beds, so it's important to check with the manufacturer or retailer.

      Choosing Versatile Bunk Beds for Growing Children

      When it comes to selecting bunk beds for children, there's no denying the allure of adorable designs targeted at younger kids. These charming and playful styles can certainly add fun and whimsy to a child's room. However, as your little ones grow and their tastes mature, these designs may quickly become outdated.

      If you're considering an investment in bunk beds that will adapt and grow with your children through various stages of their lives, both the aesthetic and practical aspects of the design become critical factors. Bunk beds that offer a timeless style coupled with versatile functionality can provide lasting value.

      Such designs can seamlessly transition from a space for playtime fantasies in the early years to a more sophisticated haven for study and relaxation in the teen years. Therefore, when choosing bunk beds, consider designs that offer longevity, ensuring they remain a cherished part of your child's room for many years to come.

      What Age is a Bunk Bed Suitable for?

      Only children who are 6 years old or older should occupy the top bunk of a bunk bed. While there isn't a specified age limit for the lower bunk, it's not recommended for babies, toddlers, or younger children - they should have their own separate beds to sleep in.

      Is Bunk Bed Suitable for Adults?

      Yes, bunk beds can be suitable for adults, but there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, the bunk bed needs to be sturdy and have a high weight capacity to safely support adult bodies. Secondly, the design should provide adequate space for adults to move comfortably. Lastly, comfort is also an important factor, so the mattresses used should be suitable for adults. With these factors addressed, bunk beds can be a great space-saving solution for adults, especially in small living spaces or shared accommodations.

      So ... are Bunk Beds a Good Idea?

      When it comes to making a great choice for your child's sleeping arrangements, bunk beds are an excellent option. They are perfect for smaller bedrooms. They can save valuable space, offer additional storage options, foster social development, and facilitate healthy sleep habits. At the same time, even when children share a room, depending on the bed design, they can retain some level of privacy. Bunk beds also become a great choice when your children want to host overnight friends.

      While safety remains the key concern with bunk beds, there are measures you can implement to ensure that your children sleep securely and peacefully. With careful planning and a clear understanding of the space available in your child's room, any accessibility issues can be resolved.

      Pros and Cons of Bunk Beds


      • Bunk beds conserve room space, making them an excellent option for small bedrooms or shared spaces.
      • They offer an affordable solution for families with multiple children, allowing two or more children to sleep in the same room without the need for multiple beds.


      • Bunk beds can pose a risk if not used correctly, as children can fall from the top bunk or get trapped in the ladder or guardrails.
      • They may not suit all ages or heights, as climbing up to the top bunk can be challenging or risky for young children or those with mobility issues.

      TEOM Bunk Maxi with storage, shelves and TEOM Stair


      The benefits of bunk beds are manifold. They conserve floor space, offer extra storage options, foster social development, facilitate healthy sleep habits, and comply with safety standards. Whether you're in search of a standard, L-shaped, or triple bunk bed, there's a wide array of options available to meet your needs. Factors such as the size of the room, ceiling height, and specific features beneficial to your children should be considered. By choosing the ideal bunk bed, you can furnish your children with a functional and comfortable space they'll adore.